Monday, August 07, 2006

PT Duty

Thought I should post today since it's been a while. Oda Mae and I have been very busy. We've been doing some back to school house cleaning, trying to get ready for year two. Oda Mae has LOTS of toys. She told me yesterday that she wanted to donate some of the ones she doesn't play with to the local Salvation Army store. I told her that that was a very nice thing to do. Oda Momma and I are going through our stuff as well.

Yesterday I finally finished the cabinet I bought a while back for the kitchen



Now we have room for more food!

Oda Mae and I have started PT Duty. For those of you less apt to the SAHD lingo. That's Potty Training Duty. We've started by going to the potty as soon as she wakes up from her morning nap. So far we've done pretty good. I don't think she really understands why I cheer for her while she's sitting there reading her book. I figure eventually she'll catch on. It's going to be a long road. Wish us luck. At Home Daddy is beginning some PT Duty as well. He's done this before so it should only take him a couple of days to get things right! I'm going to take some advice from him and make a trip to Lowe's for some plastic covering for the house.

Maybe I'll see if I can borrow his new Power Sprayer as well. Did you know that those little PT Potties don't really flush? You have to clean those things out by hand!!!!!! Come to think of it, I think I might just let Oda Momma handle PT Duty!

Blogger won't load my pictures tonight so I'll put some up tomorrow.



KC said...

PT at age one?? Unrealistic expectations will lead to some big frustrations for everybody involved, I believe.

My girl started being interested in it when she was 2-1/2 and "finished" at 3-1/2 but still has had a few accidents as late as a month ago.

Anonymous said...

The cabinet looks great!!
as far as PT I say go for it!!!
Oda Mae is old enough to understand and you can work with her on small steps to achieve the ultimate goal of using the toilet on her own.

Mike said...

I might just let Oda Momma handle PT Duty!

That was my secret with our oldest. Momma did the work and I cheered the success and cleaned up a few messes.

Mike said...

And I think the age thing is fine. Consistency is the real key. When you get one step going, just keep doing it until something clicks (or flushes)!