Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Only the Lonely

Well, since it's been a bit over a year as a SAHD I can say that most people are pretty good about keeping their thoughts about our "non-traditional" parenting situation to themselves. At least they don't act like I'm a freak. I am rarely looked upon as something completely foreign. Today though I saw the other side of the fence so-to-speak. I've heard all the other SAHD stories and now I have one of my own.

Today Oda Mae and I went out to do some errands. While we were out I saw an antique mall that I wanted to go into and look around. As I was putting Oda Mae in her stroller I noticed 4 little old ladies coming out. I figured this was pretty typical...Tuesday afternoon, antique mall, who else would you see at a place like this? But the thought actually crossed my mind before I went in that I would probably be an unusual sight in a place like this regardless of the day or time, but we went in hoping to find a treasure.

Now, Oda Mae is VERY good in public. She loves to look at things and hardly ever puts up a fuss so long as we keep moving, so I wasn't worried in the least about her breaking some $20,000.00 piece of rare crystal or something. As we were walking up and down the isles of the store I can say that at least 4 times the employees stared at us as if to say, "Oh, my God. What does that guy think he is doing coming in here with a baby. Why didn't he just take her to the park on his day off." Maybe I'm just being paranoid. But, really, some of the looks I got from these people I've never seen before. Nobody actually said anything, but I could sure tell that they wanted to.


Okay, I'm done. I did find a pretty cool table that I wanted, but it was pretty expensive and I don't really know anything about antiques. I think I'll keep shopping the garage sales and thrift stores. Ooo, maybe we'll make a field trip to the thrift store tomorrow.


P.S. I finally got my pictures to load of my cabinet.... (see below)


Darth Daddy said...

There's only so many of "those" looks you can get before you can't help but put words behind them.

I'm just glad that the smiles I get from people seeing me with my boys outnumber the weird looks.

Anonymous said...

Being the sister of a SAHD I think it is a wonderful thing that you are doing!!!! You know I love you and Oda Mae very much and people need to free their minds of the old fashioned view points. I think what works for one family does not always work for another family. We can not all live the same lives.