Thursday, August 24, 2006

Mmmmm, Dinner...

...usually. I try very hard to try out new recipes. I have a computer program that allows me to enter my recipes into what ever category I want. It's really cool. As I find a meal that the family likes, I enter it into my program. This allows me to make a meal plan for the entire month. I only have to go grocery shopping once a month! I do however make little trips to the store for fruits, vegetables, and stuff that we run out of. My goal is to have enough recipes in this program that the family likes, are easy to make, and I can put on the table in an hour or less for an entire year. That way I don't have to come up with something different to cook every night. My own "Oda Family Cookbook" so-to-speak. So in order to come up with enough recipes, I am always looking for something new to try. Sometimes I come upon a really good one. Other times (like tonight) it is a total bomb. I tried to make Jamaican Black Bean Burgers. Now we're not vegans or anything, but I try to come up with meals that are healthy as well. This was awful! I actually ate a whole burger myself, but I probably wont go out of my way to eat another. Oda Mae and Oda Momma were pretty glad I bought hot dog's the other day! Tomorrow we'll have something safe.

Oda Mae starts school next week! Well, we both start school next week. We enrolled in The Little Gym today for the fall semester. We'll go once a week for 45 minutes to play with all kinds of gym equipment and the most important part....SOCIALIZATION!!!! Now Oda Mae is still a bit young to play with other kids, but I think she'll learn a lot by watching the others do their thing with their parents. Maybe I'll learn a thing or two as well. I'm hoping that I don't get there and find out that they just do things that I do at home already, or could just do at home. We'll try it out for a semester and see how things go for us.

We went to the park tonight with Oda Momma.

AUNT SIS was the first winner in the "Where in the World is Oda Mae Now" contest. Oda Mae was indeed in The Little People Farm. Stay tuned for the next game.


1 comment:

KC said...

Ohhh you have no idea what she'll learn just by watching. Bring a blindfold in case she sees kids climbing the walls ;)