Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Beyond the boundaries...

Oda Mae and I had a pretty good day today. Like many full time SAHD's, I have a part time job that sometimes keeps me pretty busy. I'm a freelance trumpet player for those of you who don't know. The only problem with this "part time" job is that I have to practice every day or my chops just go down the toilet. I have several gigs coming up that I've really got to be prepared for, so I practice while Oda Mae is taking her naps. Sometimes, like the near future, I have to get more practice time in than Oda Mae naps. So what do I do? I bring her into my studio and let her play while I'm practicing. I am blessed that she doesn't start crying and/or screaming when I practice. I can even practice the loud stuff and it doesn't really seem to bother her. I have friends that basically stopped practicing at home until their kids started going to school. So you can see that I have a good thing going.

(Don't worry, I'm going somewhere with all of this...)

Today happened to be one of those days where Oda Mae was playing while I was practicing. I blocked off the stairs in the living room so that she would be able to play in the studio and the living room and not get into anything. Oda Mae started playing with our dogs, Abby and Fergus. They like to run in and out of the house through their dog door in the living room, and Oda Mae is watching very carefully. Anyway, I'm practicing and Oda Mae is playing just fine when I notice that she is looking out the dog door....

A few seconds later she starts playing with some toys and such for a while and I go back to practicing. A couple minutes later I hear "click, click, click...." "What was that?" I thought... "Uh, oh..." Sure enough I go to look for Oda Mae and she is nowhere to be found. I opened up the back door and there she was, on her way to off the back porch and running away from home. I think we're gonna have to watch her a bit more carefully from now on.

Since she wanted to go out side, I put her shoes on and we went into the front yard and played on her slide.

...and chewed on some sticks.

...and waited for Oda Momma to come home.

Yes, we had a good day.


P.S. I just noticed...I really need to clean the dog door! Man....


Anonymous said...

P.S. I just noticed...I really need to clean the dog door!

And latch it.

Although, won't Fergus be surprised hittin' that latched door at 25 MPH....


Anonymous said...

hahahahaha... hmmm... I hate to tell you this, but it's in the genes. Odamomma went 'out the window' on more than one occasion.
Yup. I think a latch could be in order. Cuz "she can't help it".
:-) ~gm~

Anonymous said...

Oda has been playing with the dogs too long, now she is using the door and chewing on sticks. She is sooooo smart!!!!

Darth Daddy said...

Incredible, isn't it, that you don't realize how dirty something is until you post a picture of it on your blog for the world to see.

In my case, it was the carpets. after a few ugly pictures, we put in hard wood floors.
