Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Independence Day 2006

We had a very nice visit today with Gran, Maw and Aunt Macky. Had some 4th of July turkey and dressing and homemade chocolate pie and cake with strawberries and blueberries. Oda Mae had a very good time. We went out on Sunday to see fireworks at CITG so we came home tonight and went to sleep early after a long weekend.

I must say that Oda Mae is the prettiest little Independence Day girl I've ever seen. She is just so cute. See......

I am so glad to live in a country where I (a SAHD) can raise my kid how I want to raise her and teach her the things I want her to learn. You know, in some countries the government decides what your child will study and learn. We are so blessed to live in America!

Also, only in America can you get your 18-year-old nephew to swallow a bunch of Mentos and chug a Diet Coke and then post the video on the internet for the world to see. More on that tomorrow. :)



Anonymous said...

As the mom of your 18 year old nephew. I patiently await seeing the video - since I had to work yesterday and missed the live event. I can hardly wait.

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest dress ever. And look at her little face!! I swear she changes daily. Her features get more defined - - of course more perfect & BEEautiful. She's gorgeous :-) Sorry I was "absentia" 'round the 4th... ~gg~