Thursday, July 13, 2006


Oda Momma and I wanted to go to the "Planearium" today for our little vacation, but Oda Mae decided that she wanted to go to the Aquarium in stead. We got to see lots of cool fish...

What did Oda Mae think of the Aquarium?

I think she liked it.



Darth Daddy said...

Quite a few of my pics of the boys are just like the second from the bottom - a back shot from WAAAAAY far away, as they run away from me.

Your post reminds me that it may be time to take the boys to our local Aquarium.


Anonymous said...

Be sure and have fish sticks afterwards, and explain that they're the slow learners.

It's an old joke, but a good one.

And it helps drive home the importance of education!

Anonymous said...

I love my brother. Even if he is getting old. He still makes me laugh. Right out LOUD. ~gg~