Monday, July 17, 2006

Can you say "Hat"? I knew you could.

This morning as I was getting Oda Mae ready for our run. She said "hat". Just as plain as day. This is a new one for her.

It's starting to get difficult to remember all of the cool tricks she can do. Oda Momma and I were talking about that last night. She knows lots of words, body parts, and dances (more videos to come). Soon she'll know more than we do. She'll tell us that too.



Anonymous said...

I think you should post a video of the Lizard Trick.

That's MUCHO entertaining.

Darth Daddy said...

Make sure you keep up with your posts - sometimes it's the only way I can remember "back when".

I get so focused in the moment with the boys, that I too easily forget how they were a few months ago.

Anonymous said...

Ditto on the Lizard suggestion. Need to get this all down beFORE she realizes she knows more than ya'll and is way verbal about telling you so. ~gg~ Love My Baby!