Thursday, July 20, 2006

Emergency Room Visit #1

So Oda Mae and I had to make a little trip to the emergency room this morning...

Don't worry, everything is

After our morning run, we wanted to play on the slide. So we did. A really big bee started to buzz around us so we moved away until the bee flew away. When we went back to the slide Oda Mae was climbing up and I did what I know not to do, and that I almost never do...I held her hands and picked her up onto the slide. Then I heard "POP"...what was that? Oda Mae started to cry.

Talk about feeling like a "BAD" daddy. I felt terrible. I tried to comfort her, but it must have really hurt. We went in to see Oda Momma and nothing seemed to help. It just hurt. Oda Mae wasn't moving her arm, but at the same time she wasn't screaming in pain either. We decided to go ahead and take her to the ER.

After some paperwork the nurses took a look at her and said that it looked like she may have pulled something out of where it was supposed to be. The Dr. came in and said that she had full extension, but he wanted to see some pictures just in case.

The x-ray ladies came in and took 2 pictures of each elbow so there would be a comparison. Oda Mae likes to have her picture made, so she was the perfect little model for them. Then the Dr. came in to tell us that everything looked okay. No broken bones or anything. Its possible that she dislocated her elbow, but that it had gone back into place. Now it's just sprained a little.

Then we came home and went "nite, nite".

So, the moral of this story....Don't pick Oda Mae up by her hands.

I'm sure I'll remember that from now on.



Peter said...

The first time it happened to Merry I thought that I had dislocated her shoulder. By the time we got to the doctor's office everything was fine. The nurse infomed me that it was Nanny's Elbow and then she should me how to fix it if it ever happened again.
Luckily it only happened one other time, her Grandfather and I were walking, each holding a hand and swinging her whem pop. I followed the nurses instructions and she was as good as gold.
Hold the elbow in close to the body and bend her arm up towards her chin.
Works like a charm.

Anonymous said...

Oda Mae needs a present now!

Anonymous said...

Oh, no!! At least she is okay! Don't be too hard on yourself Jimmy because it could have happened to any of us. We all lift her up playing with her and it is just sooosooo easy to lift a cute little kid by their hands.
Tell Ali Sis luvs her.
Oh, I love you too!

Anonymous said...

I used to get a Dum Dum sucker for each dr. visit. I'm gonna teach her to to say, "Where's my sucker?" Stupid bee. Love you!!!!!!!!!! ~geegee~

Ken LeBleu Photography said...

Dude..don't worry about it.. while you feel like you just murdered your kid, remember, they are made to withstand such things. I remember jade jumped out of her crib. She didnt cry at all, which scared the hell out of me. She should be wailing by now...

THey are tougher than we think.. But its hard just the same.. You did the right thing, get her checked out and don't beat yourself up... Now you know what not to do with her... it was a lesson in life... no worries.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. We are at the hospital right now for my son and they said it was the same thing. I was worried until I read your story as I sit here in the hospital room. Thanks for sharing your story and making this dad of 4 year old twin boys feel better.