Friday, March 25, 2005


Thought of something fun....

Your Pregnancy: day by day after the due date.
By Jimmy.

The first day after your due date.
Your baby didn't come yesterday. That is usually okay because you figure, "What's the rush? I don't really want this pain to happen." Mother nature will take its' course in time. You will tell people that you were due yesterday with a sly grin on your face. Right now it's funny; just wait.

The second day after your due date.
Your baby is growing at an alarming rate. She is about 8 pounds now and 20 some-odd inches; gradually working towards being the largest baby born in America (like that poor Brazilian woman who gave birth to the 17 pound baby a while back). She is moving around less and less, 'cause she is getting so big. So you might notice some anxiety beginning to build up. Not only in you and your husband, but your entire family as well. Everyone who has a blog is blogging "When's she gonna be here?". Family members will call you on the phone, "I'm not calling to see if you're in labor. I just wanted to see how you are doing today." Never before have these loved ones been so concerned about your daily well being. The most convenient time for your baby to arrive has obviously come and gone (Spring Break). Now, your baby must come at the most inconvenient time: while you husband is working 10 minutes, 45 minutes, or even 2.5 hours away. This is just a funny little joke that God likes to play on "Newbies".
You are uncomfortable standing up. You are uncomfortable sitting down. You are also uncomfortable sleeping or being awake. You have to go "potty" all the time, especially when your husband jiggles your belly in hopes of throwing you into labor. Your baby will arrive soon.


Anonymous said...

Just got the call ... ok folks, time now to pick the hour. Uncle Rob and Aunt Kip pick between 9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. tonight!

Anonymous said...

Uncle Rob & Aunt Kip lose. The time was 11:34 for this beautiful little one!