Monday, March 21, 2005

End of the Road...

In Your Pregnancy: week by week we have reached week 40. "Your baby weighs about 7.5 pounds. Its crown-to-rump length is about 14.8 to 15.2 inches. Total length is 21.5 inches. Your baby fills your uterus and has very little room to move." BTW: there are no more chapters in the book.

Went to the Dr. today (again!). The nurse had to start a new page for Brenda's information. We've run out of lines. The new page had space for about 20 more weeks. (Ha Ha) Oda Mae sounds great (as always). Brenda is (don't read this part if your squeamish) 3-4 cm now and ready, ready, ready. Now I've been watching all of those baby having shows on the Discovery Health channel and I seem to recall all of those women who are in the hospital get there at about 3-4 cm. I'm not sure what the hold up is.

Brenda told me to be nice to her Dr., so we did not have this conversation....

Me, "So doc, maybe I was wrong, but when you said Oda Mae would be 'early', I was thinking a few days, maybe even a couple of weeks. What' gives?"

Doc, "Well....."

Me, "So, are you thinking maybe just a day early? Or, were you thinking something more along the lines of early in the morning?"..........

She did ask Brenda if she wanted to wait and see what happens or if she wanted to set up a time to "induce labor". I have to admit, I was a little disappointed that she didn't reply, "Let's get this thing out today." But, after some careful consideration, I think she made the right decision to wait and let nature take it's course. So, we'll go back next week.

At IHOP today, as we were leaving, the waitress asked me when the baby was due. :) As Brenda was sitting on the waiting bench for me to pay, I had the pleasure of grinning and saying "Tomorrow." The waitress was very glad that she waited to ask us when we were leaving. She said, "Oh, my God! I'm glad I didn't know that until you guys were leaving." I can't wait to go back next Monday!

I'll keep everyone informed as the week progresses. Good luck to Kip, Sandy, and Gran this week in the OMBBBPC.


P.S. Rob and Kip are planning on bringing the family a ROAST when Oda Mae gets here! :P


Anonymous said...

You have to keep updating us daily or even twice a day so we know nothing is going on! Inquiring minds want to know (and those of addicted to the baby blog). Maybe you should update us every hour... ok, maybe not that much!

The baby blog is going to continue after little Oda Mae gets here, right?

Anonymous said...

You should DEFINITELY continue your blog. We wanna knows when she breast-feeds & poops!
I also like the "roast" entry. You sly dog. OK, we'll work on it. :-)
Love youse with all my heart.