Thursday, February 01, 2007

Little Miss Grownin' up...

More that two years have passed since I started this blog. Since that time I've come to learn a lot about my self, a lot about Allison, and a lot about what I want out of life. Recently, I realized that Oda Mae is not a baby anymore. She is turning into a wonderful little girl. (with the exception of that whole "NO" thing.) This week, I've found that it is easier to teach her something new and positive rather than to try and get her to stop saying "NO". We are working on "Yes (NO), sir", etc. It seems to be taking a little bit of the edge off of "NO". We'll see how things turn out in the coming weeks.

Doing this, I've realized that now is the time to begin teaching her good manners. All of the "magic" words, being polite around other kids; all that kind of stuff. I hope that I'm not starting too late. Hind sight is 20/20 you know. I look back and see where I could have been doing so much more all this time. Please don't let my kid turn out to be a hoodlum!!!!

I suppose all parents feel this way; not knowing if they are doing the right things or doing them enough. I figure that ultimately, she will turn out to be the person she is meant to be. What ever that means. I can just try to teach her not only to look out for herself, but to watch out for others as well.

In the meantime, we'll play with our Little People, try to keep food off of the floor, and learn cool stuff like hopping like a frog. Speaking of Little People, we had a pretty big hit yesterday. Go check them out....

EDIT: Of course, after I make this blog post, this evening Oda Mae goes and sticks mac-n-cheese up her nose. I really wanted not to laugh, but I just couldn't help it. Someday I'll have a picture of that to show to future suitors.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Note: I heard from Odamomma, too, that she (oda's momma) was way unamused by odadaddy's response to culinary delights inserted into nasal cavities. Bwhahahaha.... gg