Thursday, February 08, 2007

All Good Things....

Like I said last week, it's been more than two years since I started this blog. I believe that things have run their course. I tend to not be posting very much and even the pics have slowed way down. I still enjoy blogging. I still enjoy taking care of Oda Mae. It just seems that there really needs to be a change. Next Wednesday, February 14th will mark the end of The Oda Mae Baby Blog.

I'll keep the site up for a while while I begin archiving my little journal of the last 2 1/2 years. I can't tell you how much fun I've had with this project. I started way back on Saturday, August 21, 2004, with my first blog post. Since then we've gone through pregnancy. We had a little girl. I became a stay-at-home-dad. And now, Oda Mae is very quickly turning into a little kid. How crazy is that. After Oda Mae was born several people asked me if I was going to keep posting. Well, it was more like..."You ARE going to keep posting, AREN'T YOU????!!!!!" And of course I said yes.

This blog has helped me stay in touch with my family and friends. I've even been able to make some new friends through the "Mommy" and "Daddy" bloggers network I have over there to the right. It's really nice to know I'm not the only one in the world who is staying home with their kid. It's even better to know that we all have the same problems, questions and concerns. These are the reasons that I've decided to start a new blog. The new blog will begin on February 15, 2007 at a currently "undisclosed" location. Like I said, I just need a change. I've been working on new projects that I really didn't think were appropriate for the "Baby Blog"; I have lots of new ideas that I'd like to talk about, and that will give the new blog a personality of its own. On the 14th I'll put up a link to the new site. I hope to see you all there!

In the meantime, this week I'll be linking to my favorite posts of all time from The Oda Mae Baby Blog. I think that would be a very nice way of bring things to a close.

My first look back at TOMBB is the post where Oda Momma and I told our families the good news.
Wednesday, August 25, 2004



Anonymous said...

So Feb. 14th in honor of little Addison Grace's arrival?

Oda Daddy said...

So Feb. 14th in honor of little Addison Grace's arrival?
