Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Weekend

Yes, we had a good weekend. The wedding went fine. The audition could have gone better (the incumbent won). But Sunday afternoon......well let me tell you.

Oda Momma woke up with Oda Mae on Sunday (that was two days in a row). I was very appreciative. Then when I woke up Oda Mae and I took a walk down to "Happy Donuts". That's our favorite little donut shop and it's within walking distance. We got there at about 10:30. Do you know what happens when you make your way up to the donut shop at that time of day on a Sunday morning? There isn't a very good selection left, BUT they tend to give you extra's for free! I went to get 4 donuts and came back with a box full for the price of four. The nice lady behind the counter gave Oda Mae a little bag of donut holes. She proceeded to sit down on the floor and eat them while I made my selection. By the time we got back home, Oda Mae had eaten the whole bag of donut holes (about 9 or 10)! We don't normally let her do stuff like that, but she was having so much fun. Then she was wired!

We left to go to The Little Gym party soon after that, but we stopped at the duck pond first to run amuck for a while.

We were one of the first one's to arrive at the party. 30 minutes into the party Oda Mae was one of about 100 little gymers running around! After a few more minutes, Oda Mae was getting pretty cranky and Gee Gee hadn't gotten there yet to see Oda Mae do her stuff so we took her on a little walk so that she could un-stimulate for a few minutes. Then GG came!!!! Oda Mae showed GG how to hang on bars and jump on the air mattress and how to walk on the balance beam. She had a good time.

There were door prizes too! Oda Mae won one of them for her daddy! We one a gift certificate for $114.00 at Super Suppers! This stay-at-home-dad was very happy to see that one come. It was way better than the body wrap thingy that took of 20 inches in one session. I'd much rather put on 20 inches. I get to go make six yummy dinners (6 servings each) and bring them home and put them in my freezer for those days where I just don't have time to cook. (or those days where I just don't want to cook.)

Oda Mae had juice and cake at the party too. (Yes, after all those donut holes.) We came home and she ate broccoli.

A good time was had by all on Sunday.

Tomorrow I'll tell you about the adventures we had on Monday at the river.



Anonymous said...

WOW sounds like Sunday was a great day!!!!!!!!! Way to go Oda for winning your daddy that gift certificate!!!!
Luv you all

Anonymous said...

Free Super Suppers!


Nicely done.