Monday, September 11, 2006

Sleepy Time

Here's a little something I've been meaning to blog about for a while.

Ever since Oda Mae kicked her habit, "The Binky Dependency of 2006", she decided to revamp her sleeping schedule. Some of you would say, "That's what you get." You know who you are. :) Before, when she was on the binky, she would take two naps a day about 2 hours each. That's 4 hours of daddy time a day. Now she takes one nap a day for 1.5 or 2 hours. That's quite a bit less daddy time. So what do we do now in the mornings until after lunch? Well, let me tell you....

we get dressed
we run (I run, Oda Mae get's pushed)
we feed the ducks
we look for cats
we play under the trees and look for acorns and sticks (Oda Mae now has a pile of these things outside the door of the house)
we walk up and down hills
we come home and drink juice
we play little people (Oda Mae collects them now!) [Okay, I collect them too.]
we do our ABC's
we chase Fergus with the popper
we read books
we "Sit and Spin" (well, Oda Mae does, I just sit there looking envious)
we blow bubbles
we hide under blankets
we slide outside if it isn't raining (it was raining today, YEA!!!!!)
we play dishes
we look at pictures and name all of the people (at least twice)
we practice hanging on drumsticks for TLG
we do the Duke of York song (that one makes me tired)
we dance
we color
we sing songs
we do flips (Oda Mae does flips, I push her over)
we play ball
we have lunch
we clean up after lunch
we read stories again
then it's nap time.

That pretty much takes up the morning. I try to get Oda Mae to be self sufficient after her nap. That's when I have to start dinner. She usually does pretty good. She likes to push the recycle bin all over the house while I'm making dinner. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

Mmmmmm dinner...we had Quesadillas and Chicken & Tamale soup for dinner tonight. It was good. Oooo, I've got a couple of chocolate chip cookies calling my name right now.....



Anonymous said...

It sounds like a fun filled day to me!!! I wouldn't mind a day of that stuff myself.
luv ya all

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a job, buddy. Been there, done that. Got spit up on the t-shirts (plural) to prove it. You're a champion! (pronounced cham-peen) Tell the baby Geegee loves her, pleeeease...

Anonymous said...

Somebunny luvs you Oda Mae!!!!