Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Random Musings

I have a couple of posts that I've been meaning to put here on my little site that just haven't quite made it to the front burner yet. Here is one...

This last Christmas, I received (stole) a gift that I thought might be of some use to me. You know, the whole stay-at-home-dad thing. The gift I got was the amazing "Ove Glove"

Supposedly, this thing can withstand temperatures of nearly 500 degrees. I gave it a simple SAHD test. The "Ove Glove" is easily worn on the left or right hand.
Here I am holding a pan of fresh baked "frozen" bread. Baked at 375 for 30 minutes I think. While I was able to take the bread out easily. My hand started getting warm while I was trying to get a good picture. A minute longer and I would have been in pain. PASS
Here is a very hot pot of boiling water from which I made spaghetti. No problems here. PASS
Changing a light bulb? Just holding my hand on a 40w bulb I could feel the heat really start to come through. FAIL
Yes, the "Ove Glove" is supposed to be "flame retardant". Did it pass this test?
YES!!! Just a little scorched. PASS

Over all I'd give it a "B". I wouldn't go out and pay $15 for it, but I sure would pick it out at a gift exchange where there wasn't much better to choose from.

Oh, here are some cute little pictures of Oda Mae.

Oda Mae can make ANYONE smile...

I firmly believe that someday in about 25 years or so, Oda Mae is going to give a smile to some unsuspecting boy and that boy is going to literally fall all over himself trying to get her to marry him.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You got that right, Odadaddy. And probably sooner than that! So be vigilant! Hee, hee... ~gm~