Thursday, January 26, 2006

Back Home Now

Yesterday, Blogger wasn't being very friendly, so I decided to put up a "Guest Blog" on Oda Momma's site. Finally this morning, I'm able to blog again on my own site. Yeah!
This morning Oda Mae woke up at 6am. I made her go back to sleep. She started waking up again at 7 so I jumped in the shower before she really woke up. When I got out, she had gone back to sleep. Then she didn't wake up until 8:45! Woo Hoo!!!!! When she did wake up, she was in a very good mood. Here we have our breakfast photo shoot!


P.S. Would the kind visitors from Germany and Hong Kong please leave a comment. How cool would that be!

P.S.S. Would the kind visitors from "High Class Blogs" please not leave comments any more. You're spreading the evil. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Yay!!! That is so cute, our/my baby eating her breakfast. Love it! btw, what is she eating?? I recognize the toast but what else is she lovin' there? I so loved my happy babies in the a.m. Or maybe that was just Beanda that was happy in the morning. I recall HER clearly. (Not so much numero 2-Oh. Shhh... We don't speak of it. Lest it begin again...) :-) har, har... ~gm~

KC said...

Awesome pictures. Your kid could win some contests, I'm sure.