Friday, January 20, 2006

Dr. Day

Well we both went to the doctor today. Oda Mae got another clean bill of health. Her ear infection is completely gone. She is still coughing a little, but that seems to be going away. Here is Oda Mae, very happy to not be sick...

She knew she had it good when Mommy and Daddy felt sorry for her.

Daddy went to the ENT specialist today. The doc looks me over and tells me that I am extremely congested. (I could have told him that!) My uvula is indeed somewhat elongated....BUT that's not what he's worried about! He said that sure, he could take radical, surgical measures and trim it up a bit...but he wanted to delve a little further before doing something like that. He says that my ADENOIDS look like they may be enlarged (he said that this was very rare in adults). He could go in with a scope and check things out, but since I was so congested, that might be a little uncomfortable. (I'm thinking that if he tries to put anything up my nose right now that he may be the one who is a little uncomfortable after I punch him in the gut.) "Rather than do that", he says, "lets run a COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY." And the whole time he is telling me all this, I'm THINKING...

So, next Friday, I get radiated.

I just wanted him to give me some drugs to make me feel better. (sigh)



Anonymous said...

I had my tonsils (and adenoids)removed when I was 8 years old. Had the tonsils removed b/c of breathing issues (while sleeping) and the doc decided to go ahead and take the adenoids, too. I have NO idea what they're for, or what they DO, but apparently, we don't need em...
Good Luck. :)

Anonymous said...

Interesting. I've had a sinus infection now for about 4 months I think. It's grown to be a part of me now. Like a little sister. Who lives deep inside my nose. Lemme know how yours works out. ~gm~

secretstash said...

I'm very sorry to post this in your comments section but I like your blog and think you may have a good chance of getting listed at our blog directory, "High Class Blogs."

We have way too many conservative blogs right now (they submit constantly) and we need some different perspectives.

Contact me at if you are interested.

Ethan Potter

Anonymous said...

High Class Blog?...

Holy crap, dude!!