Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Sorry 'bout that...

I know I got you all excited. Not sure what went wrong with the video. I'm going out of town tomorrow for the rest of the week so I may not be able to get it online before next week. I'll keep trying though!!!

Here are some cute Oda Pictures to make up for my technical deficiencies...

I knew I couldn't hold out forever..., the good thing is that I don't think she likes him very much.

Oda Baby got to play with Grandma this weekend!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!


Anonymous said...

Barney is actually a little scary. I met him once. :-)
Give Peas A Chance! Woot! Freebird!

Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha! Looks like "The Stand-off Between Oda Mae & Barney". He's invading her space, man! Hope you get the video thang fixed, guy. Have a good trip! ~gm~