Saturday, December 18, 2004

Congratulations to our friends...

the "Purdmae" who just had their baby a couple of days ago. We just called them and they sound very happy to have a new "Oda Mae" in the house. They were pretty sure it was going to be a boy. They never had an ultrasound so they were just going by the old wives tales. I'm glad we have friends who are going through all of this before we do. I'm hoping for some helpful insight a few months in advance of my little girl. They said that the only thing she new how to do is "poop", and that they would have to teach her everything else. Guess it's time for me to read that chapter on "poop" in the "Dummies Guide to Parenting" that my sister bought me. They also said that she could recognize their voices and the music they played for her while she was in the womb. Which, incidentally, brings us to our next poll...


What kind of music should we play for Allison while she is in the womb?
Dixie Chicks
Songs of the Whales
Canadian Brass


Free polls from


Anonymous said...

The only way to go is BROADWAY SHOWTUNES!!!

Anonymous said...

I vote Mozart. Although, for the record, Andy listened to Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 (Allegro Moderato) while gestating. And look how HIS hair turned out!

So it's a crapshoot.