Tuesday, October 31, 2006

All Hallow's Eve

Oda Mae went as a pumpkin this year, see...

Ain't she so cute?

For a rookie, she did pretty well going Trick-or-Treating.

After we went to the "old man's" house she got kind of scared. We hit up one more house for some candy and walked our way home.

This year I carved a pumpkin in the shape of "Igor" from Young Frankenstein. That's the movie we watched this evening (a classic). It turned out descent. Luckily, I got some pictures of it before some good-for-nothing, low-down, pimple-faced, teenage, hoodlum took off with it while we were watching our movie. They must have thought it was pretty good.

We're pretty tired now that the Halloween weekend is over. We might try to reschedule Little Gym tomorrow and sleep in.

On a different note. I took some time off from blogging. I'm sure you were all waiting by your computers to see when I would post again. Last week's Race for the cure went well. Unfortunately, Oda Mae got pretty sick the night before and was not able to attend. I met up with Aunt Sis though and we didn't come in last!!!! Yea, for not coming in last. We had a great time besides the fact that we got lost. I don't know where all those other people went, but we managed to find our "race mates" eventually.



Anonymous said...

Great post! Awesome pumpkin!


Darth Daddy said...

The pic where they are walking down the street - you should really zoom in on her and show her face. She looks like she's so happy she might pop!

Anonymous said...

Aw, she's faking.

Nevermind, you only needed Oda for the toilet paper commercial gimme-money look anyhow.

