Monday, November 28, 2005

Oda Potter....

So I'm surfing some blogs tonight when I found a Daddy Blog that had this cool "face recognition" link on it. I promptly put in Oda Mae's face and this is what came up.....

Here is the picture of Oda Mae that I put in...

And the Face Recognition came up with...

Emma Watson, of Harry Potter fame. I knew that Oda Mae would be real smart like Hermione Granger!!!!

EDIT: Uncle Nonchalantsavant promptly merged the two faces together to come up with something that looks suspiciously like a monkey experiment gone wrong...
Thank you Uncle NCS!

BTW: Oda Momma and I went out on a date last night, (The first since July) and saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Very good! Kudos go out to Gran for odasitting a somewhat cranky Oda Baby! :) Thanks Mom! need to plug in your face. Who do you look like?


P.S. I find it odd that when I spell check my posts, that the blogger spell checker does not recognize the word "BLOG".

1 comment:

Tom said...

Think that's funny, check out what the blogger spellcheck does with the word Whitehouse