Sunday, February 06, 2005

Man oh man...

You have never seen so many pregnant ladies in one room before. For eight hours my family and I were in class with about 12 other couples learning the basics of birthing 'cause "I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no baby!"

We actually had a lot of fun and learned a lot about what is going to happen to us. Everybody had nametags that were pink (if you were having a girl), blue (for a boy), or yellow (if you just didn't care.) We thought about it too late, but Brenda and I decided that the next time we did something like this, she would wear a pink nametag while I wore a blue one. :p

Much of the class was geared toward the "coaches" (that's me). Basically, you have to give massages for the length of the labor (14 - 36 hours!!!!!!!! Who knew?) and not say anything stupid like "just relax" or "I know how you feel". Also, you don't want to tell your laboring wife to "Push", she knows that she needs to push. Saying something stupid like that could send you to the emergency room; which, fortunately, is just downstairs. Also, many of the coaches tend to be shall we say, light-hearted. The nurses said that they don't like coaches who faint. If they have to bring you orange juice because you're unconscious and lying on the floor, they will definitely not be your friend anymore. Frankly, they're not really YOUR friend to begin with.

We got to watch some videos right before lunch. Let's just say babies are not pink and cute when they are first born! They have to go through some major reconstruction before they come home. Only a few of the "coaches" were not able to eat lunch afterward. I was able to eat mine and part of the guys lunch next to me. You should all be proud.

As for Brenda, I think she feels better about knowing what to expect and what to do when things start moving along. I DON'T think she feels better about having to get this thing out! It's pretty scary when you think about it. BUT, she is going to do great because she wants to be a mommy more than anyone I've ever seen. The nurses were able to show us all the things that would and might happen. They were really good about showing step by step how things would progress and how everything would be handled.

We were able to take a tour of the hospital and the rooms are nice and everything is fairly new. It will be a good place for Oda Mae to be born. I was able to make it to the hospital in 13 minutes yesterday. With a little more practice, I think I can do better.



Anonymous said...

You're fine. Unfortunately, for Brenda, that baby ain't gonna pop out in 13 minutes. So don't get a ticket. Altho it would be kinda cool to get stopped for speeding and be able to say, "My wife's havin' a baby!" and get a police escort to the hospital! (I wonder if they still give ya a ticket, tho?)
very proud of you for being able to eat more than your lunch. Good job, son.

Anonymous said...

Labor doesn't have to be 14-36 hours. I personally had my first baby within 1-2 hours, my second was induced lasting 8 hours and my third within minutes of walking into the hospital. BRENDA this can be easy!!!!!!!
Luv ya both sooosooo much!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So the over & under for labor is 13 minutes vs. 36 hours.

Should we start a pool, or something?

The Nonchalant Savant