Sunday, September 26, 2004

What will Bubba or Oda Mae do?

Sometimes it's fun to think about all of the different things that Bubba or Oda Mae could do with their lives. I'm sure all parents go through this (I hope...or are we just delusional?). I don't want our child to be president of the US. I do want our child to be an astronaut. First, you have to be really smart. Then you have to do something really cool like fly those awesome jet fighter planes that fly around over at the Naval Reserve Base. Then you get really good and are selected to fly the space shuttle to Mars or someplace cool like that.

Yes, I want Bubba or Oda Mae to be an astronaut. Surely, they make good money. Anybody know someone who's an astronaut? Just think, Baby Tullos will write home from Space Camp to tell us that he's homesick. Then she will send us photos from space some day with a planet in the background. I'll frame it an put it on the fridge. :)

The poll for today...

What do you think Bubba or Oda Mae will grow up to be?
Computer Guru
CEO of someplace BIG


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