Friday, October 08, 2004

It's going to be a.....

GIRL!!! So says the "Chinese Calendar". At least two people have told Brenda to look up the birth prediction on the Chinese calendar, so we did. She had a Chinese friend look it up for her. She said it was going to be a girl. Another friend had asked if we had looked it up on the Chinese calendar. This friend said that the Chinese calendar was 99% accurate. I did my own search on the internet and what came up?...a girl. Of course my search on the internet also said that the Chinese calendar was only 50% accurate. I SHOULD HOPE SO! It's not like there's much more of a choice than a boy or a girl. You do the math. So, according to our Asian friends, we need to concentrate on girl names. We are NOT going to name it Jessica!!!! That has already been decided by the overly protective father.

On the other hand...not many girls have been born into the Tullos family. My sister was the first since Francis C. Tullos born in 1910. See, I knew that my genealogy hobby would come in handy some day. My of 3 sister...3 boys...Brenda and Jimmy....we'll have to wait and see.

1 comment:

sunShine said...

How cool, I hope the baby is a girl. I come from a family of girls, 3 sisters, 6 nieces, and a step-daughter. My hubby and I are trying to get pregnant, so thanks for keeping us updated first hand on the pregnancy. CONGRATS!