Monday, September 20, 2004

Saw the baby again today...

Yes, today was Brenda's second trip to the Dr's office. Everything seems to be going fine with the exception of a small pain near her leg. The Dr. said that everything should be fine and that we should keep watch to make sure the pain eventually goes away. Today we got to watch the Dr. put a little microphone up to Brenda's belly and guess what we heard?...........

............We heard this tiny little voice singing "Octopus's Garden", from the Beatles Abby Road album. How funny.

Really, all we could hear was a lot of what sounded like a hurricane blowing around in Brenda's stomach. So we went over to the ultrasound room and took a look. Little Bubba or Oda Mae was swimming around looking at everything. We were very excited to see a spinal cord. Yeah!!!! Our baby has a spinal cord. And, real arms and legs too; not just limb buds like before. We figure that Baby Tullos is about the size of a small apple now. (Ironic isn't it, considering last weeks incident.)

We've started the second Trimester now which puts Brenda at about 13 weeks and 6 days. At least that's what the nurse said. The Dr. said that the baby was very active and that when it was big enough to feel, then we'd be having some real fun. Have you guys ever seen that sci-fi movie called "The Amazing Journey". I figure, now that Baby Tullos has legs and arms, he/she will be running all over the place trying to figure things out. It'll be kicking things and pushing on stuff asking "Hey, Mommy...what's this?" Consequently, I think Brenda might get a little cranky. Any suggestions for the poor father would be greatly appreciated. :)



Anonymous said...

Father to be grin and bear it. This could all be happening to your body.

Anonymous said...

There's not much hope for you Jimmy. When Little Bubba/Oda Mae starts moving around like the alien figure in "Total Recall" (that's what I felt like anyway), everything is out of your control. Tell her to be prepared for a couple of sore ribs. Kyle was most active between 3 and 5 every morning.