Saturday, August 21, 2004

From my blog on Monday August 2, 2004

I'm back from vacation. Had a great time driving around in Ohio in my 2004 RED Mustang. When we got home, our dogs were so happy to see us. I think they really missed us. Sis said that she thought that they started missing us about Wednesday. Our cat was pretty messed up when we came home. She is pretty scared of other people so I know she didn't like Sis, Chris and their little dog Linda being here for week. Mahly finally came out on Sunday to say hello to us. Too funny!Brenda started feeling kind of squirrelly over the vacation. She didn't have much of an appetite the entire week. I was really starting to get worried about her on the way home. She tends to get a little car sick as well and all of the hills and curvy roads in Ohio didn't help. Things started getting a little weird on Friday when we went to Frisch's Big Boy for their famous burgers and Brenda ordered a Burger, Salad, (so far not too bad), and Mashed Potatoes. Mashed Potatoes???? with a burger? Okay, whatever. Then on Saturday, she didn't eat anything at all until after we got home in the afternoon. Even then she was acting super weird. I ended up going to bed pretty late Saturday night. I had planned on sleeping late, but woke up early when Brenda got up before me and was surfing the net. DUDE!!!! Brenda never wakes up early!!!!!..........So I'm laying there in bed about to get up and she comes in from the bathroom and shows me this stick thermometer thingy that has two lines on it. "I'm pregnant!", she says.Oh-My-God!!!! I'm totally going to be a father! I asked her why there were two "negative signs" and she said that one was a "test line" and that the other would be blank if you were not pregnant. Why??? they should put a + or - or something like YES or NO on these things. She is going to make an appointment this week to see a doctor and confirm everything. She thinks she is about 1-2 months along. COOL! So yesterday we both just messed around the house in shock. I'm not totally sure when it will really hit me, but for right now I'm just a little dumbfounded. I did take some pictures of her and the test stick thingy. These are the first pics of little "Bubba" or "Oda Mae". LOL! We are not going to tell anyone (except the internet world) until we are sure everything is okay. I figure nobody really reads this thing anyway.I did a bit of practicing yesterday. I'm a little out of shape, but I'll be back to normal soon. I have to win an audition soon so I can take care of my family! I'm going running today to try and lose a few of those Skyline Chili pounds. MMMMMMMmmmmm.....Skyline Chili. I also want to be in shape for my kid when he or she gets here. Everybody wants a dad that is super cool and buff!


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