Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Today was...

go to work with dad day. Oda Momma had to work very hard all day today for symphony auditions. (She still isn't home.) Oda Daddy had a last minute gig come up, BUT the rehearsal was too early to be able to get a babysitter for Oda Mae. So, being that the gig was at a church, Oda Mae got to spend the evening in the church nursery with about 30 other little kids.

We got to the right room and Oda Mae went in just fine. Daddy, on the other hand, couldn't understand why she wasn't crying and screaming to stay with him. I felt kind of bad letting someone else take care of MY kid. Would her diaper get changed? What if she got hungry? What happens if she starts getting into something that will scar her for life? Alas, when I came to pick her up 2 1/2 hours later she was sitting on one of the nursery workers lap watching the other, bigger, kids blow bubbles. So she didn't get kidnapped, or dismembered in any way...I'm really glad for that. When she saw me she waved. :) The nursery worker brought her to me and I gave her a big hug while the worker went and got our diaper bag. I said thank you very much and Oda Mae and I went on our way.

About half way home I realize (Yay, Oda Momma is home!) that I didn't ask how she did with all the other kids or what she did. I was so happy to see her that I totally forgot to ask about what she did all night. Now the nursery workers think that I'm a total nut job. BUT, on the way home I asked Oda Mae what she did and she told me. She got to run, play with other kids, eat Cheerios, drink juice, get into stuff, sit on the nursery workers lap, and all kinds of stuff. She met a girl named Katlyn, she was a little bossy, but she was fun though. Oda Mae waved bye to her when we left.

So, I think that our first time in a nursery went as well as to be expected. I just hope that she didn't catch something from one of those other little childrens.


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