Tuesday, February 28, 2006

What the Funk????

So yesterday, I finally figured out what was smelling up the house. After I took the garbage out, I came back in and looked in the bottom of the trash can. There it was, I'm not sure what it used to be, but it had liquefied there. I had to take the trash can out and wash it out. Man it was really awful.

As you can see via my previous post "Godzilla Attacks", Oda Mae is turning into quite the toddler. She loves to chase us around the house. I'll run away from her looking back and she totally cracks up and comes after me. Then she turns around and wants me to chase her. Way fun!

It is really amazing how you can see her ability to comprehend things as she gets older. It seems like one day she just woke up understanding certain words. The first one that I noticed was when I would ask her if I could have something while holding out my hand and she would give me whatever she had. Now I can ask her for something specific and she will give me that item. Most recently, however, I'll ask her if I can have something, and she has to think about it first. If it is something she likes, then NO WAY, "you're going to take it away from me." I can already see where this is headed.

Oda Mae is starting to try and say real words now as well. She's been babbling dada, nana and others now for a while, but now she tries to say real words like CAT "dat" and DRINK "din". I can see her trying to imitate some of the other words that I say to her as well.

Speaking of the CAT. I really thought Mahly was going to have to be put to sleep last week. Most of you know that I love this cat, but she's had one foot in the grave for a couple of years now. It turns out she has HYPERTHYROIDISM which can be treated with half a pill twice a day for the rest of her life. Damn cat! I suppose the least I can do is make sure that the time she does have left is comfortable.

So anyway...Oda Mae and I (and Mahly) are enjoying the nice weather this week and are looking forward to more days out and about. Yeah for fieldtrips!!!!!!!


1 comment:

2000man said...

Linked to you through "Inthe schuttehouse - (my brother's blog). I had a beloved cat (Felix) who had an undiagnosed thyroid issue - without treatment, he ended up with detached retinas and congestive heart failure and had to be put to sleep. Had our vet listened to my concerns about his weight issues and run the thyroid test as asked, we might have had many more years with him. Give yours an extra hug from us!