Friday, September 02, 2005

Where in the World is Oda Mae?

Sorry, but we are experiencing technical difficulties. Blogger isn't posting my photos :(

We'll be back as soon as possible...

In the meantime, here is yesterdays answer...

London, England

BIG BEN Possibly the most famous clock face and chimes in the world the building is officially known as St Stephen's Tower, but which is more commonly referred to as Big Ben. "Big Ben" is actually the name of the largest bell inside the clock tower, which forms part of the Houses of Parliament. It is thought that the name comes from Sir Benjamin Hall who was commissioner of works when the bell was first installed in 1858. The accuracy of the clock movement is controlled by the placing of old pennies in the mechanism.


Anonymous said...

Where's our stats?

Anonymous said...

Everybody who has guessed so far gets 1,000,000 points.

Everybody, who has not guessed all get -2,000,000 points and a wet noodle lashing!