Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Oda Baby...

More "movie" posts will be here soon....

For now, Oda Mae woke up late this morning. I think she figured that it was easier just to sleep in than to try and figure a way out of her little predicament...

We have bought stock in "Binky's" because when we took out her crib bumper she tends to lose her binkies at night while she is sleeping. Hence, Oda Daddy getting up 4 or 5 times every night to replace the three that she has lost on the "wall side" of the crib. The other day I had to go buy a couple of packages to get us through the night.

Oda Momma mentioned the other day that we went mall shopping. We had a very good time. Oda Mae got to pick out a new toy from the toy store...

She likes it pretty well...

Oda Mae has started asking about CHRISTMAS!!!! I told her it's all about who can put the most lights on their house, and who ever helps Daddy put the most lights on the house get's the best presents from Santa Clause! She said that she was going to ask Santa for a toy box. I told her that he might ask her if she helped her Daddy put up Christmas lights, and that if she did, Santa might be happy to oblige. :)

Don't forget to check out Oda Momma's blog tonight or tomorrow for some "colorful" events.


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