Thursday, December 07, 2006

Santa 2006

We went to the local mall tonight to get Oda Mae's picture taken with Santa Claus. She did very well! We got a picture with her smiling and everything...

She asked Santa for Balls, Pooh, and a Doll. Then he gave her a candy cane.

Some of you may be wondering why I'm not blogging very much lately. (It came to my attention that some people have actually noticed.) Well, probably a mixture of several things...
1. I'm just tired.
2. A bit tired of blogging (not that I'm going to stop).
3. It's the holiday season and I'm trying to get the house in shape.
4. It's the holiday season and I'm working about every other night until after Christmas.
5. My spare time has been taken up by running and practicing (more on that later).
6. It takes a lot of time to get a good post together. (Did I mention that I'm a little tired?)
7. Oda Mae isn't doing anything special these days.
8. Okay, #7 isn't true.
9. I can't keep up with all of the cool stuff she is doing.
10. #10 is true!

It's actually very difficult to decide what to blog about really. Oda Mae is talking a lot now days. She has managed to put together a few simple sentences. At little gym, she is becoming more sociable. All this stuff deserves its own blog entry I know. But, did I mention that I'm a little tired this time of year?

I've lost 14 pounds in the last 3 weeks. I've been running twice a day (most days) in order to get down to an acceptable weight according to the United States Marines. I've got an audition for "The Presidents Own" at the end of January, so I've been practicing a lot. This will be my first audition in almost two years. For those of you who are a little slow, Oda Mae is almost two. There is a reason those two time frames are about the same.

That's all I've got for now. I promise to post more often. :) maybe.

To all a good night.



Anonymous said...

You are awesome!!!
You are so busy yet you still take time out here and there to share your life with the rest of us. I think I have gained the weight you have lost!! I am glad that Oda Mae smiled for Santa! Good luck with the audition (I am going to start looking for a pool table - so keep your eyes open!)
Love you ALL!

Anonymous said...

Two a days and 14 lbs, Holy Cow!
Great Luck with the audition.