Friday, January 21, 2005

Sooner than expected????

Brenda went to the Dr. this Wednesday and it looks like everything is going very well. So well that Oda Mae may be here a little sooner than we thought. Brenda was hooked up to a baby heart monitor for about 30 minutes and then she had an ultrasound. Oda Mae is FIVE POUNDS!!!!!!! now and instead of being in week 31 she may be in week 33. The due date has not been changed officially, but you know that birthing class we were going to take in early March? We've moved it to early February. Murphy's law states that had we not moved the birthing class, Oda Mae would have been born the day before we had our class. So now she will probably come on the expected date.

We'll keep you up-to-date!!



Anonymous said...

Now THAT would be a memorable birthing class!! Ya'll could've been visual aids!!


Anonymous said...

I need to be updated. 2/1/05 ~gm~

Anonymous said...

from the "Hindsight is 20/20" Department:

She probably should have been born early. 10 lbs, 5 oz!
