Sunday, October 31, 2004


So I'm talking to Brenda the other day and I asked how the baby was able to breath in there, and she says that pre-born baby's at some point in their pre-lives have gills. (Hence the Halloween post today.)
And I'm like "no way".
And she's like "yes way".
I say, "Like a fish?".
"Yes, like a fish.", she says.
"How wierd is that?!!!"
"Very wierd."

I get home from Abilene this week and Brenda has found an article about the whole "gill slit" thing. Here it is...GILLS.

I was really hoping they would disappear before the baby was born. I wonder If any humans HAVE been born with "Gills"?

Poll of the day...

Next year, the baby will have it's 1st Halloween. What should he/she go as?
Scary Fish Gill Person
Scary Three Eyed Baby
Bumble Bee
A Grown Up


Free polls from

Happy Halloween!!!!! Don't forget, tomorrow we find out..."BOY or GIRL"!!!!!


Thursday, October 21, 2004

Week 18...

has finally arrived. On Monday we went to the doctor and got to listen to the baby's heartbeat. It was kind of a swooshy sound. Like swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh,... Take a glass bigger than your ear, and move it back and forth on and off your ear at about 160 beats per minute. (check your metronome) That's pretty much what it sounded like. On November 1 we will get to find out if it is a Bubba or a Oda Mae!
The Dr. pushed real hard on Brenda's belly and said "That's your uterus. Can you feel that?" And she proceeded to push Brenda's hand into her stomach. I was like...What???!!!! Then I pushed real hard on Brenda's stomach when we got home and all I felt was a punch in the arm.
The baby is supposed to be about the size of Brenda's spread out hand. That's pretty big for something growing inside you. About the size of a small grapefruit on the baby fruitometer.
Some of you may have heard that the Osteopathic Medical Center of Texas here in Fort Worth closed. That's where the baby was supposed to be born. I figure we'll just have it here at the house now. We have hot water. Anyone want to help????? Actually, the baby will now be born at Baylor All Saints Hospital south of downtown. All saints...I guess that's better than picking just one saint. Anyway, I'll have a poll next time for all you pollsters out there.


Friday, October 15, 2004

A Note From BRENDA

I think I felt the baby move around for a few seconds this morning. It was awfully weird, which is why it think it might be the baby instead of gas or hunger pains or something.

It felt like a little part of my stomach did a back flip. Then I read on the internet someone describing it as feeling like a little goldfish swimming around, and that describes what I felt pretty well.

Maybe the baby, maybe not, but let's say it was. I knew you would all want to know ;)


P.S. Jacob, I know I owe you some cookies. I'll send them soon, I promise!

Friday, October 08, 2004

It's going to be a.....

GIRL!!! So says the "Chinese Calendar". At least two people have told Brenda to look up the birth prediction on the Chinese calendar, so we did. She had a Chinese friend look it up for her. She said it was going to be a girl. Another friend had asked if we had looked it up on the Chinese calendar. This friend said that the Chinese calendar was 99% accurate. I did my own search on the internet and what came up?...a girl. Of course my search on the internet also said that the Chinese calendar was only 50% accurate. I SHOULD HOPE SO! It's not like there's much more of a choice than a boy or a girl. You do the math. So, according to our Asian friends, we need to concentrate on girl names. We are NOT going to name it Jessica!!!! That has already been decided by the overly protective father.

On the other hand...not many girls have been born into the Tullos family. My sister was the first since Francis C. Tullos born in 1910. See, I knew that my genealogy hobby would come in handy some day. My of 3 sister...3 boys...Brenda and Jimmy....we'll have to wait and see.