I'm going to be a
SAHD. Brenda and I are both excited about our new positions in the family. Brenda will be able to enjoy the companionship of the coworkers that she truly misses, and I will be able to take care of Oda Mae and the house on a full time basis. We know that this setup is somewhat "untraditional", but we feel it is the best one for our family right now. Thanks go out to all of our family and friends who have encouraged us to do what's right for us. We will continue to need your support as some people are not as comfortable with this type of setup as others.
Oda Mae.....has been having the best time lately rolling over. I think she has decided that she is just going to roll wherever she needs to go. She is so funny!
Yesterday we went on quite the outing. We went to Half Price Books for a little "Father's Day" shopping, and she loved it. She got to look around at all kinds of books and people. She even skipped her afternoon nap just to take in all the sights. Then we went to see our friends new apartment in down town. She got on the floor and started squealing in delight. She was having a good time. Oda Mae is really starting to discover her voice now. After that we all went out to Uno's Pizza where she was the star of the show for quite some time.
For all you computer/technical minded individuals out there.....I want to make videos of Oda May et. al., but I'm having some problems getting my video to burn onto a disk once I upload it to the PC and edit it on my software. It get a message the a disk drive is not found that will burn the DVD. I also sometimes get the message E:\ Drive not accessible etc. What do I do? I can burn audio and data, just not video.
Below is a fix for all the Oda watchers out there. Have a great day!
-Oda "SAHD" Daddy