In a galaxy far, far away there was a young princess, Princess Oda Mae.
She was taken care of on her first night away by her Oda Aunt Sarah and her trusty sidekick, Nikki.
Her Oda Momma and Oda Daddy went to see Episode III and ate a lot of popcorn.
When they got back Princess Oda Mae had played, eaten, and spit up and was asleep. She had a good time!
Thank you Oda Aunt Sarah and Nikki.
So yes, we had a good time as well. We were really looking forward to getting to go out for our first time without Oda Mae. Yes, we missed her, but Episode III totally rocked!
Oda Mae is starting to become mobile. She can scoot herself around in circles when she is on her back. Things seem to be going pretty well in the parenting department right now. We now have more good times than bad. I think the whole "fussiness" thing in the beginning was just Oda Mae getting used to being in the sunlight. (Maybe a little of it was the Oda Parents being in the limelight as well.) Oda Mae is really starting to be a lot more fun now. She smiles and tries to giggle. Playtime is her favorite. Sleepy time is her least favorite.
Last night we had a little incident with the "new-to-us digital camera." We might be posting "previously taken" photos for a while until we get all the pavement out of the lens. :( Just so you know.